
Posts Tagged ‘Lenormand’

yesterday I was playing around with my lenormand cards and i pulled two cards that when together meant a marriage proposal (according to Titania’s accompanying book), I laughed as if!!!! Ive been single for roughly three months and have no man in sight.

Cut to the late afternoon and i’m sitting at the local juice bar chatting with the workers, when the owner says to A. ( as a joke) ‘Yeah i was thinking of proposing to you on valentines day’

i didn’t say anything but inwardly laughed at the mischeviousness and cannyness of the cards.

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Hot lenormand day

Its going to be so hot here today. I’ve already watered my plants and my wonderful neighbours, so fingers crossed they will hold up. The only veggies that seemed to be handling it are my mini eggplants and Roma tomatos.

I just ordered a Lenormand deck from etsy.com I’ve been eyeing this deck off for a while and bit the bullet and got lesvieuxjours to make it for me. The only issue I have is the bloody exchange rate! Australian dollars to US is awful. What’s all this crap about America having no economy… so the deck is actually costing me Aussie $75. In all honesty for something hand made it isn’t that much but I just thought it would be $55. Ah well Its a good experiance for me, money flows into my life and out… and will come back in.

Aparently Sylvie Steinbach is offering lenormand readings via email and i’m interested. I’ve had tarot readings before, but not a lenormand reading. I haven’t met a professional reader that uses the cards here in Oz although i’m sure there are, i just haven’t come across them yet. 😉 I haven’t read her book yet, I’m still wondering wheather I should let my own opinions form about lenormand and see how it goes.

My crochet projects are coming along slowly, mum’s blanket still isn’t finished, I need to get some yellow yarn and then crochet 10 or 20 rows and it will be done 😀 Its been my biggest crochet project to date! I did manages to do a line on my lapghan blanket last night so thumbs up for that. I need to remind myself that slow and steady wins the race. Adding another project to my crochet. I promised Lolly that I would make her a small white totoro that she can hang in her car, so it appears i need to go yarn shopping. (nnnnnnnnnnooooo! I don’t want to spend money at the moment)

Anyway i’m off to make breakfast, do some writing practice and then play with my lenormand cards

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I am becoming more and more intrigued by the lenormand cards. I find them fascinating and by this I mean that the cards have such set meanings, the same can be said for tarot, yet in some ways I find the tarot so much easier to work with, this is due to the fact that I have been working for so many years with it.

Still I am in two minds about the lenormand cards. Should I try to remember the set meanings, or just do what i do with tarot and let my intuition and psychic flashes take over.

I was talking to T the other day who owns the local metaphyical shop that has card readers and mediums and the questions people ask always seem to be the same, still I found what people ask disturbing. ” Am I going to die soon?” WTF?! if I read professionally I’d be tempted to be a smart ass and go ‘Yes, we all die eventually’ but then that’s why i’m not a professional reader because sometimes my sarcasm button would take over and that’s not cool. The other questions people ask are ‘Is s/he cheating on me?’ This question always bugs me. Why? because of two reasons when someone asks it they either A) already know the answer or B) have such poor self esteem that they need to ask the question…

I know I’m being a bitch, but sometimes I want to yell at people ‘center yourself, read you own intuition, readers aren’t gods’ and yet I too have been to readers ,hoping that they will give me insight, hoping for just that brief second they will centre me in knowledge.

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Its soooo hot here, some of my plants have died O-o. the beetroot I’ve planted is thriving so that’s something at least hahaha. I’ve been crocheting bits and bobs lately, Lots of tarot and oracle card cases and I’ve got to admit I’m very happy with how they have turned out. Here is a photo:

I’m awaiting a koi button from etsy to put on one of the cases *Sigh* Koi Love.

I went to the botanical gardens with some friends a few days ago and yes you guessed it, they had Koi, swimming around in a pond. This resulted in me Squeeing all the way down to the water and trying to pat them. that part wasn’t successful, but they did nibble on my fingers so it wasn’t all bad 😉

Here is a photo:

I’ve been meaning to get a hold of the books that are about Jason Bourne, I love the movies so I’d like to see if the books are better (Generally books are always better then the movies!) I had better add them to the list of books I need to read.. I already have a bit of a pile, plus I’ve got some books coming from the bookdepository.co.uk

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